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Just Go Grind

Jun 24, 2019

Devin Person is a humble 21st-century incarnation of the wizard archetype, playfully blurring the line between fantasy and reality. Wizards are helpful guides who bring magic, mystery, wisdom, and hope to the societies in which they serve. As a modern wizard, Devin's life’s work is to help you—yes,...

Jun 17, 2019

In the words of Christine Hunsicker who sold her first company to Yahoo for $850 million, "Alex will eat through a wall." Born in shopping paradise, Los Angeles, to a long line of sustainability entrepreneurs, Alex has always been passionate about conscious fashion. While in college at Boston University, Alex created...

Jun 10, 2019

Robert Luo graduated from USC Marshall School of Business with a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration.

Robert started his first company when he was 20. It was during the time when he decided to take a gap year after my sophomore year in college. Robert’s company developed a mobile application called Ubi,...

Jun 10, 2019

I released the first episode of the Just Go Grind Podcast on June 9th, 2018 and after a year I've learned a ton, made a bunch of mistakes, and today I'm sharing with you all the details.

This is my first solo podcast episode and in it I share with you the results from my first year of podcasting, why I podcast and how I...

Jun 3, 2019

Matt is Managing Director of The Fort. He is a Los Angeles based serial entrepreneur and consultant who has launched over 5 companies. He has been actively involved with The Fort since its inception to ensure that Mammoth’s initiative is executed properly and well resourced enough to deliver long term results. Matt...